Not Yet


World Pandemic ImageCovid roars through America and the World as yet unchecked, nowhere close to being under control, more persistent and virulent than ever.

European countries lock down…sometimes almost entirely.

Americans say: ”… no Governor or politician is going to tell me how many family members I can have for Thanksgiving dinner…no matter what happens after that…”

No sense here in reporting numbers, they grow too quickly, piling up in staggering amounts on a daily basis, the way a city like El Paso, Texas is piling up bodies in refrigerated trucks the way New York City did months ago.

We share the belief of many who see Covid-19 as a climate instigated illness…spread indiscriminately through the air in an atmosphere which has changed since the continued melting of ice, the increase of warm water, the rising of the seas and lakes, the killing of undersea life and the resulting changes in temperatures worldwide.

We see Covid as we see the raging incendiary fires in California and Colorado, the floods in the Carolinas, the very nature of how it can rain for hours in one place but not another, the record-breaking number of hurricanes this year.

Covid-19 is not just a disease like shingles or the flu or other Covids that have proven to be killers but were brought under control even as this one remains out of control now for a year.

We understand that America is dealing differently with Covid then it has ever dealt with a national problem because America is not the same country that many of us have grown up to know and respect…as we have said before in other areas.

While it is reasonable to understand that it takes time to learn and relate information about something so new and deadly, it is impossible to ignore the fact that a select number of the government knew about the deadly aspects of Covid-19 as early as January…even before it came to America through Europe and refused to provide that information to the public.

Photo of Bob Woodward
Bob Woodward
We know about the Trump conversation with Bob Woodward when Woodward was interviewing him for his new book.

We know Woodward had information we did not have and withheld it for months until the publication of the book. But we also know that if Trump had this information, those close to him had told him about it and they never spoke up either. None of them. Not those on the Coronavirus Task Force…not even Fauci and Blix.

No sense in reviewing that all over again. Nor is there sense is recognizing that a killing disease became a matter of politics…whether to wear a mask or not wear a mask. Just look at Texas having one million cases of Covid-19 because its Governor was all about politics and there were others like him.

If Covid-19 was under control none of this would matter. Perhaps it doesn’t matter now but here is what does matter: America has become Covid fatigued…tired and bored with restrictions and anxious to get rid of the new normal and go back to normal.

American small business is tired of living on the edge of bankruptcy…waiting for more Government welfare to help it. Yes, welfare…we can call it stimulus or we can call it Payroll Protection but it is government welfare – and it is critical if all but abandoned at this moment.

And so America and its people are suffering as never before and it increases daily…daily!!!

And it has taken the venerable but seriously weakened CDC to finally say that wearing a mask will first protect the wearer before it protects others…when that should have been said nine months ago.

It is sad and frustrating to know that America leads the World in cases of Covid-19…that is not what our leadership abilities have been about.


And so the decision was made to “…leave it to the Governors to deal with prevention…we will deal with vaccines and medication….”

Covid-19 Money imageThat was the decision as we watch billions of dollars distributed to at least six pharmaceutical firms to produce 300 million doses of vaccines that have not yet been approved.

And here again, information is shared badly.

The key to FDA approval is not that a drug works but that it is safe and presents little or no dangerous side effects which can sicken or kill.

We are waiting now for FDA approval of the first vaccine from Pfizer…one given in two doses over a period of 21 days; a vaccine which must be kept super-frozen to work so that it cannot be delivered in a local doctor’s office or neighborhood pharmacy like a flu shot.

And then there will be one from Moderna and then one from AstraZeneca and then several others.

Which vaccine will work? All of them? Maybe…but then who will decide which person gets which vaccine and how can that be organized in such a way that people get the vaccine that will help them the most? And while this is going on frantically…what happens should Covid-19 significantly morph into something else…or more likely another climate-generated atmospheric disease suddenly gets free in the World?

So while ‘warp speed’ sounds good as a political battle-cry, the simple reality is that prevention must become key before America and its entire health care system drowns under the weight of Covid-19 sickness.

And this: recent studies indicate that while the disease may not kill, it leaves damage within the body difficult to overcome. Now we know that male fertility is at risk and that Covid-19 increases the possibilities of dementia.

A new member of the Biden Covid Advisory team has suggested that America is wealthy enough to lockdown for four to six weeks, with the Government able to pay all those businesses and employees involved in such a significant act.

That action will be seriously considered because there seems no other significant national act that will voluntarily stimulate a universal American response to wear a mask and stop congregating with others…either families or perspective love interests…or other sports.

“Wake up, America” needs to be the call and advisors to Joe Biden need to be tough and brutally honest to help that “wake up” call become fact.

We are a nation of doers…that has not changed. We are still the most generous people in the World…that has not changed.

We need to bring that all together now before it all gets away from us for good…and bad.