We wanted to share a conversation we had with AI…specifically Microsoft’s Copilot… about Presidential politics. We think you’ll find it revealing…in a number of ways.


Good morning. I have a scenario for you. Joe Biden decides not to run for re-election in 2024. Please give me five candidates who are Democrats that have served for at least eight years in state leadership or in Congress that could successfully run against the GOP candidate. Please ask me questions if you need more specifics. Thank you.


Certainly! Thank you for the scenario. Let’s explore some potential Democratic candidates who have the experience and qualifications to run for the presidency in 2024. Here are five individuals who fit the criteria:

1. Kamala Harris: As the current Vice President of the United States, Kamala Harris has extensive experience in both state and federal government. Before becoming VP, she served as a U.S. Senator from California and Attorney General of California. Her background in law and politics makes her a strong contender.

2. Elizabeth Warren: Senator Elizabeth Warren from Massachusetts has been a prominent voice in progressive politics. She has served in the Senate since 2013 and previously worked as a law professor and consumer advocate. Her policy expertise and commitment to economic and social justice could resonate with voters.

3. Cory Booker: Senator Cory Booker of New Jersey has a background in local and state leadership. He served as the Mayor of Newark before being elected to the Senate in 2013. Booker is known for his advocacy on criminal justice reform and civil rights issues.

4. Gavin Newsom: As the current Governor of California, Gavin Newsom has executive experience at the state level. Prior to his governorship, he served as the Mayor of San Francisco. His progressive policies and leadership during the pandemic could make him a viable candidate.

5. Amy Klobuchar: Senator Amy Klobuchar from Minnesota has a long history of public service. She served as a county attorney before being elected to the Senate in 2007. Klobuchar is known for her pragmatic approach and ability to work across party lines.

Remember that these are just a few potential candidates, and the actual field could be more diverse. Additionally other rising stars within the democratic Party may emerge as strong contenders in the coming years. It will be interesting to see how the political landscape leading up to the 2024 election evolves!

If you have any other specific criteria or need further information, feel free to ask!


Who will be the rising stars?


Certainly! Let’s explore some of the rising stars within the Democratic Party who could play a significant role in the 2024 Presidential race.

1. Kamala Harris: As the current Vice President of the United States, Kamala Harris has garnered attention and has a strong political profile. Her experience as a U.S. Senator from California and her background in law make her a potential contender for higher office.

2. Pete Buttigieg: Former Mayor of South Bend, Indiana, and later the U.S. Secretary of Transportation, Pete Buttigieg gained prominence during the 2020 Democratic primaries. His youthful energy and pragmatic approach have positioned him as a rising star in the party.

3. Gretchen Whitmer: Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer has been a vocal advocate for healthcare and workers’ rights. Her leadership during the pandemic and focus on economic recovery could make her a compelling candidate.

4. Elizabeth Warren: Senator Elizabeth Warren from Massachusetts has a strong progressive following. Her policy expertise, particularly on economic issues, could resonate with voters. She ran in the 2020 primaries and remains influential within the party.

5. Amy Klobuchar: Senator Amy Klobuchar from Minnesota has a reputation for pragmatism and bipartisan work. Her experience in the Senate and her ability to connect with voters could position her well for a presidential bid.

6. Gavin Newsom: As the Governor of California, Gavin Newsom has executive experience at the state level. His progressive policies and leadership during the pandemic could make him a viable candidate.

7. Josh Shapiro: Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro has been active in addressing key issues such as voting rights and climate change. His rising profile within the party could lead to a potential presidential run.

8. Sharice Davids, Jared Golden, Katie Porter, Dean Phillips, Jason Crow, and Joe Neguse: These representatives have been frequently mentioned as formidable statewide candidates for the future. Their work in Congress and strong local connections make them rising stars to watch.

Remember that the political landscape can shift rapidly, and new faces may emerge as the 2024 election approaches. These individuals represent just a snapshot of potential contenders, and the actual field could be even more diverse. It will be fascinating to see how these rising stars navigate their political careers in the coming years!


Of the 45 past Presidents of the United States please list 50 leadership qualities that they all had in common.


Certainly! While it’s challenging to pinpoint 50 specific leadership qualities that all U.S. Presidents shared, I can highlight some common traits that successful Presidents have exhibited throughout history. Keep in mind that each President had their unique style and approach, but here are several key qualities:

1. Vision: Successful Presidents often had a clear vision for the country’s future. They could articulate their goals and inspire others to work toward them.

2. Effective Communication Skills: The ability to communicate effectively with the public, Congress, and other leaders is crucial. Presidents who could convey their ideas clearly and persuasively tended to be more successful.

3. Historical Perspective: Great Presidents understood the context of their times and placed their decisions within a broader historical framework. This perspective allowed them to make informed choices.

4. Courage to Make Unpopular Decisions: Sometimes, the right decision isn’t the most popular one. Successful Presidents demonstrated the courage to stand by their convictions, even when faced with opposition.

5. Pragmatism: Balancing idealism with practicality is essential. Pragmatic leaders find workable solutions to complex problems.

6. Consensus Building: The ability to bring people together, bridge divides, and build consensus is crucial for effective leadership. Presidents who could unite different factions achieved more significant results.

7. Charisma: Charismatic leaders can inspire and motivate others. Their personal magnetism helps rally support and drive change.

8. Trustworthiness: Trust is the foundation of leadership. Presidents who were perceived as honest and reliable gained the confidence of the American people.

Remember that each President faced unique challenges, and their leadership qualities were shaped by the circumstances of their time. Some Presidents excelled in crisis management, while others focused on long-term policy goals. Overall, these qualities contributed to their success and impact on the nation


Is there anyone in US politics right now that possesses these qualities?


Certainly! While it’s challenging to pinpoint a single individual who embodies all the leadership qualities I mentioned earlier, there are several politicians in U.S. politics today who exhibit some of these traits. Let’s take a look at a few prominent figures:

1. Joe Biden: As the current President of the United States, Joe Biden has decades of political experience. He emphasizes unity, pragmatism, and effective communication. His ability to build consensus and address pressing issues reflects some of the qualities we discussed.

2. Kamala Harris: As the Vice President, Kamala Harris is a trailblazer. She demonstrates courage by breaking barriers and advocating for change. Her charisma and communication skills have been assets in her political career.

3. Nancy Pelosi: As the Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi is known for her strategic leadership. She has a clear vision for her party and works to build consensus among Democrats. Her historical perspective and pragmatism contribute to her effectiveness.

4. Mitch McConnell: While he has faced criticism, Mitch McConnell’s ability to navigate complex legislative processes demonstrates leadership. His historical knowledge and pragmatic approach have shaped his political career.

5. Bernie Sanders: Although he has a different ideological stance, Bernie Sanders is charismatic and passionate. His ability to inspire grassroots movements and communicate his vision resonates with many supporters.

Remember that no leader is perfect, and each of these individuals has strengths and weaknesses. Additionally, public perception varies, so opinions on their leadership qualities may differ.


Thank you for this information. What about people in politics that do not have the same name recognition that these people have. Do any of the rising stars have these qualities?


Certainly! While some rising stars in politics may not have the same name recognition as established figures, they still exhibit leadership qualities. Here are a few rising stars who demonstrate promising traits:

1. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC): AOC, a U.S. Representative from New York, is known for her passionate advocacy and effective communication. She has a clear vision for progressive policies and engages with her constituents through social media.

2. Pete Buttigieg: Former Mayor of South Bend, Indiana, and now the U.S. Secretary of Transportation, Buttigieg is pragmatic and articulate. His ability to bridge divides and communicate complex issues resonates with many.

3. Stacey Abrams: Although not an elected official, Abrams has made significant impact through her voting rights advocacy. Her historical perspective, charisma, and commitment to democracy are commendable.

4. Ayanna Pressley: Another member of the “Squad,” Pressley brings a strong voice to Congress. Her focus on equity, community engagement, and consensus-building aligns with effective leadership.

5. Dan Crenshaw: A U.S. Representative from Texas, Crenshaw is a Navy veteran with a pragmatic approach. His ability to address policy challenges and communicate across party lines stands out.

Remember that rising stars often face unique challenges as they build their political careers. These individuals may not have the same level of recognition yet, but their leadership qualities contribute to their potential impact on the nation’s future.


We asked why AI provides shallow answers with respect to questions of historical context.


The Shallow Waters of AI in Historical Exploration

Artificial intelligence has made remarkable strides in recent years, from natural language processing to image recognition. However, when it comes to understanding the nuances of historical leadership, AI often treads in shallow waters. Here are some reasons why:

1. Contextual Blindness: AI lacks the ability to fully grasp the historical context, cultural nuances, and socio-political dynamics that shape leadership. While it can process vast amounts of data, it struggles to interpret the subtleties that define great leaders.

2. Hallucinations and Oversimplification: Generative AI, like ChatGPT, can sometimes “hallucinate” information—creating plausible-sounding but fictional narratives. When exploring historical leadership, this can lead to oversimplification or even distortion of facts.

3. Opaque Decision-Making: Machine learning models operate as black boxes. Their decision-making processes are often inscrutable, making it challenging to understand how they arrive at conclusions. This opacity undermines the critical analysis required for historical insights.

4. Lack of Emotional Intelligence: Leadership isn’t just about policies and strategies; it’s also about empathy, charisma, and emotional intelligence. AI lacks the capacity to understand and evaluate these human qualities.